Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"Stop being such a chick!"

I very recently spent a year attempting a relationship with a man who was constantly repeating this phrase to me. Once I replied with… "I happen to have a vagina…what else am I suppose to be, dumb ass!!!"

Of course I knew that what he meant was that I was acting crazy. Men use such terms as a defense mechanism and to make them feel validated when they don’t have an explanation for their crude behavior. For example: This particular guy would tell me he was coming to take me out and then not show up and not answer his phone.

Now, guys…when you do things like this you should expect that you will have a phone full of text and calls. How could you think otherwise?? Your mothers didn’t raise you without teaching you something we like to call "common courtesy"….Did they? If you tell me you are going to pick me up for a date and you NEVER show and you refuse to answer your phone or reply to a text then you can better believe that I am going to be pissed and you are going to here about it. You could always just call and cancel, which may start a fight depending on the situation and the girl, but trust me when I tell you that fight isn’t going to be near as bad as the one you get when you go the other route.

The major statement I try to use to explain to men when situations such as this arise is…Put yourself in my shoes, how the hell would you feel?? I can answer that… YOU. WOULD. NOT. LIKE. IT.

Weather you want to admit it or not there are situations which warrant a women to "act like a chick". That was one of them. There are some instances that don’t warrant it, However. For example…If we were to know each other in passing and exchanged phone numbers I should not assume that means we are an item or start reading into every face book status or tweet that you write before we even go on a date. That is taking it too far to fast and you have the right to probably call that girl crazy or say she is acting like a chick.

These things are something that every chick does from time to time and to some degree they are expected and it comes as little surprise when they happen, right?

With all that being said….. There are men who act like chicks! When a guy acts like chick it is 100X worse and more annoying. Men that are acting like chicks tend to ALWAYS go with the 2nd type of situation I gave you earlier in this post. They will assume you are in a deep meaningful relationship BEFORE they even go on a date with you or directly after the first date! They will pout around if you do not find the time to hang out with them when they think you should and not just when dates are canceled.

My example to this is that I have a friend who is trying her luck with online dating and every guy who has contacted her thus far has been the guy who "acts like a chick". They want to start calling her baby or sweetie within the first email exchange. There is one who got mad at her for not wanting him to call her those things and said he was no longer talking to her…BUT then he emails her again and apologizes and says he doesn’t want to throw away what they have and could she please give him a chance. THEY HAVE NOT EVEN SEEN EACH OTHER FACE TO FACE AT THIS POINT!!!! Not only is that a total chick move but that is the crazy kind of chick move and it is very unattractive in a man.

Granted women complain about not finding a nice guy who will treat her right and call her pet names and show up when he says he will. BUT, where in that statement have you ever heard a women say she wanted a man who was a bigger chick than she is….Uh….no where! You know why? Because there is room for only one chick in a relationship and that spot is reserved for the person with the equipment to back it up!

Surely a women can find a man with a happy medium of the good guy and the guy who still has his man card.....because that is what we really want!!  So stop being a chick and find that happy medium and you might just find yourself a women.

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