Tuesday, September 25, 2012

System Armed...Stay

I tend to watch crime shows....Most all of them.  I have done this for as long as I can remember.  I guess it started with all of the Law and Order shows and American Justice on A&E sometime in my early twenties.  Now I have graduated to NCIS, Criminal Intent, Snapped and most anything on Investigation Discovery.

A little over a year ago I took a trip to Illinois to visit a friend overnight.  This was a five or six hour drive and I noticed at this time that I was scared shitless that something would happen to me on this trip.  Thoughts ran through my head faster than I could keep up. "What if I am ran off the road and kidnapped?" , "Did that man just look at me strangely?", "Is there a rapist, serial killer or both on the loose?"...and many more!  I decided after I came home from that trip to start watching more comedy and less crime.  I did do that by watching CBS comedies every Monday night and Friends re-runs or Big Bang Theory each night before bed. My paranoia seemed to get a little better.

I have been living with roommates for the past 2 years, one of which is my brother.  With someone always in and out of this house the alarm system rarely got used.  Aside from the one time it went off on me for some unknown reason just after I stepped out of the shower and I ran to the living room in a towel, threw on the pj's that were on the couch and ran out the front door to await the arrival of the cops AND the time my brother set it and it went off on me when I came home from out of town and didn't know the code to turn it off.  (These things could only happen to me, lol)  

Then about 4 months ago a man came by our house selling these VIVINT security systems. These things are like alarm systems on crack!  A person can control everything from the thermostat to the locks right from your smart phone and they have a camera that we pointed out the window and can watch live or otherwise.  Of Course with all of these bells and whistles my brother decided we should have this since he would be deploying.  We all loved the system and everything it could do...but again...there was always someone here so it rarely got used.  Until recently.....

The guys left for their deployment training.  For the first few days I didn't use the system.  I mean it isn't like I have never lived on my own before and when I did I felt so safe in my hometown that I rarely locked my door.  I realize now that probably wasn't the best idea so now I was at least locking my house up tight!  Then one night I fell asleep on the couch and woke up to the dog barking and I just knew  that I heard voices outside...then it dawned on me that I was in fact now living in this city ALONE.  I had never felt alone before in this house even when I was alone because someone was always going to come around and would find me if something happened and now....they wouldn't.  Needless to say at those thoughts I started using the alarm system every time I leave the house and at night after dark when I am here alone.  Here comes the really hilarious part.

At night when I set the alarm to "Arm Stay" for the first week the alarm system voice that says "System Armed, Stay"  actually freaked me out a little!!! 

This leaves me to ask myself should I switch to all comedy shows.... :)


  1. HAHA!! Well, I better not catch you NOT using that alarm, and I better not ever find the door unlocked either. missy.

  2. And who appointed YOU my boss?? haha~
    Tust me I will most certainly NOT be forgetting to lock doors or turn alarms on these days! I am to afraid of my own shadow....I wonder if a certain blonde made me that way and not the crime shows!
